S ince its creation, Covolan Denim® has woven a remarkable heritage in the textile industry that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Founded in 1966, Covolan Denim® has transformed itself from spinning and weaving, into a national and international reference in Sustainability. Textile Industry 100% Brazilian Textile Industry. .

Since 2000, Covolan has been exclusively dedicated to the production of Denim fabric, with purposes that go beyond what we take from the planet as consumers, but how rather how we can create better changes with our products, Sustainability is in the company's DNA!

Our goal is to create a more robust, ethical and responsible Denim ecosystem. Covolan works valiantly on the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and environmental, being the only denim manufacturer in Brazil an associate member of the ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) , concerned with meeting the requirements and criteria at global world levels to obtain the Oeko-Tex® SteP certificates , Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 , Detox-to-Zero by Oeko-Tex, ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.

Through the integrated management system, we guarantee our environmental, social, health and safety responsibility and quality practices, which allow us to deal effectively with a competitive market, reducing environmental impacts.

Since 2014, Covolan Denim® has been meeting the requirements of the MRSL (Manufacturing Restricted Substances List). We don´t use any chemical substance that is dangerous to human health or harmful to the environment.

Our responsibility is an efficient process, with qualified suppliers, a team of trained people, certifying bodies that benefit from the three pillars to deliver the best product to the customer.

Within this perspective, we reinforce the values ​​that work as a decision frame-work in line with the company's culture: Collaboration, Communication, Co-learning, Co-sharing, Co-creation.

Collaborate to Compete!

"Redefine the product, the factory, and contribute to sustainability in a different way to have the best Jeans".

Covolan Denim®


Develop actions and attitudes that lead to the constant improvement and innovation of its products, contributing to the development and success of customers, employees, suppliers and the community, in addition to take on the Commitment to sustainability in the world market for Denim fabrics. [/ blockquote]
Translate sustainability, quality, innovation, health and well-being into Denim fabrics free of toxic substances. [/ blockquote]
  • Respect for the environment;
  • Respect for people;
  • Sustainability;
  • Innovation;
  • Focus on the customer;
  • Ethics;
  • Business effectiveness.