BCI – Better Cotton Initiative

Covolan Têxtil® has its sustainability evaluated annually on Higg Index portal Higg Index, a patterned requirement setting that points out with accuracy the sustainability performance of their process. These tools measure the environmental and social impacts during the productive process. By this information, Covolan Têxtil® may identify critical points, improving the sustainability performance with environmental and social transparency for its stakeholders.

Higg Index consists on a set of tools with questions that evaluate the environmental performance of textile and shoes industries, with the purpose of promoting the continuous improving. These questions are answered at a portal through the self-evaluations of the company itself, this answers opportunely will be checked by a qualified professional. It is not about an approval or disapproval evaluation, but a tool that identifies improving opportunities, checking and increasing the confidence for supply chain and costumers as well.

The Higg FEM (Higg Facility Environmental Module), is a Higg Index module that measures the environmental performance of the installation, year by year, it has been projected for: - Measuring and quantify the sustainability impacts of an installation. - Reduce the redundance on measuring and elaboration of performance reports about the companies´ sustainability. - Reduce risks and discover efficiencies, generating value for its users and members. - Define communication means that are common to promote the sustainability for interested parts. (stakeholders).

Higg FEM was developed jointly by Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) , Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC), to converge its respective chemical tools on a only one and harmonic quiz of manufacturing evaluation of chemical products and other environmental questions, avoiding duplicate effort, while also increases the evaluation quality, allowing data sharing.

With this tool, ZDHC replaced its Audit Protocol V.2.0, encouraging that its associated companies, collaborators or ZDHC members, start by using HIGG FEM as performance indicators of chemical management, on a holist way, serving including as benchmarking when consults better practice.

Higg FEM composed by a series of question that unfold themselves in other ones, referring seven sections discriminated below that may attach 3 levels (1,2 and3). Only with level 1 totally completed the levels 2 and 3 will be liberated. It means that the bigger level is, the better level will be attached by the company on sustainability evaluation.

• Environmental management system
• Energy and greenhouse effect gases
• Atmospheric emission
• Water using
• Liquid effluents
• Residual management
• Chemical management

Covolan Têxtil® is the first and only one on its segment in Brazil and one of the three worldwide denim´s manufacturers to be part of worldwide ZDHC program as collaborator company. This determines our serving of Higg FEM , on Higg Index portal.

Ecological Value: The companies that have an efficient and liable management system of chemical products residues and water, contributes for a more sustainable world.

Covolan Têxtil®