Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes

Conservação e Reuso de Água

With own investment around 30 million reais, Covolan Têxtil® has stared in 2019 its new. Effluent Teatment Station (ETE). Totally controlled and monitored by by computer systems, the new Covolan Têxtil® effluent treatment station has the capacity of 150m3/hour processing and operates 24 hour a day. To comprehension of what it means, this installation could treat about a 10.000 habitants city. This treatment station uses on is processing the most modern of the world: the membrane ultrafiltration treatment system, MBR –Membrane Bio Reactor, a process made by microorganism that degrades the organic and inorganic material (effluents that comes from the factory) and send it to ultrafiltration membrane.

The MBR system consists of the filtration of the biological sludge from the aeration tanks through the membranes that are submerged in the liquid medium inside the filtration tanks. The filtration is performed by means of suction, thus occurring the separation of the solids present in the liquid mixture. The treated effluent, called permeate, leaves with a reduced organic load and because it has passed through a physical barrier, it already leaves the treatment with a high potential for reuse. Daily and repeated analyzes several times a day are carried out in its internal laboratory, adequately structured with the best of laboratory equipment, and also with periodic external analyzes, the Covolan Têxtil® WWTP returns to nature clean, crystalline waters and free of toxic substances, better than when they were captured, taking into account not only national but international legislation.

A treatment station of this presence also ensures to public sector an important efficiency gain on the conservation results of hydric resources.

Ecological Value: The water is a precious resource, scarce and finite. Its conservation must be an everyone´s compromise and so is necessary right technology, good practices and management maturity.

Covolan Têxtil®.